Angels Ring Scenery

Angels Ring Scenery

Here you can find a range of Armada scale scenery, fighters and bomber tokens for slugging it out in the depths of space with boarding craft launching desperate attacks on to enemy ships. 


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Terran Starter pack

6 Terran Fighter and 4 Bomber wings with custom attack power bases

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Terran Advanced Fighters

 4 Terran Advanced Fighter wings with custom attack power bases

£4.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Terran Assault Wing

 4 Terran Assault wings with custom attack power bases

£4.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Zealot Starter pack

6 Zealot Fighter wings and 4 Bomber wings with custom attack power bases

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Zealot Assault Wing

Zealot Assault wing with custom attack power base

£4.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Angel's Ring Wreckage

Destroyed Angel's Ring wreckage for Armada scale games. This multi part kit comes with custom scenic base, ring wreckage and additional debris

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£18.00 *

New Solaris IV Space Station

Solaris IV Space Station contains 1 multi-part space station model and base.

Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£60.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

Coriolis Space Station

Coriolis Space Station contains one space station core and accessories to make a battle station, research station or civilian station

Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£55.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 10-14 days

Europa Space Station

Europa Space station contains one space station core, 12 large solar panels, fuel tanks, and bridging pieces.

This model can be linked with the Coriolis Space Station for 1 giant model

Supplied unpainted and unassembled

£55.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 10-14 days

Nu Earth - large planet

Large planet measuring approximately 6 inches across featuring jungles, polar ice cap and city ready for invasion or exploration

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£15.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Coriolis Hub expansion

Expansion for Coriolis Space Station contains 1 2-part Coriolis disc, 3 docking base, and 1 Europa connector 

Supplied unpainted and unassembled

£12.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 10-14 days

Asteroid Space Stations

Asteroid Space Stations contains 5 fully customisable asteroids and an abundance of accessories allowing you to make your own totally unique asteroid stations.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£25.00 *

Ceres Megaroid

Ceres Megaroid contains 1 customisable asteroid on 'Armada' shaped base allowing you to make your own fully customised asteroid stations.

Please note: this kit does not contain any accessories and you will need to purchase a booster set or have spares from one of our other kits to make full use of this product. Painted pictures are just examples of customisation 

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Fuel Tanker and Connectors booster

Fuel Tanker and Connectors Booster  contains a Fuel Tanker, Base and 5 connector asteroids and an abundance of accessories allowing you to make your own fully customised asteroid stations.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£15.00 *

Solar booster set

Solar Panel Booster  contains 3 Solar panels and an abundance of accessories allowing you to make your own fully customised asteroid stations.

Please Note: You will need either the Asteroid SpaceStations or Ceres Megaroid sets to make full use of this product

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

New Solaris IV Repair Dock upgrade

Repair Dock Upgrade for use with Solaris IV Space Station 

Solaris Space Station not included, Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£25.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

Moon - large planet

Moon: large planet, is a barren dustbowl with craters that measures approximately 6 inches across

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£15.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Armada Nebulas

Armada Nebulas set contains 2 nebula bases compatible with the Star Wars Aramada expansion tokens

Any ships shown are for scale purposes only and not included.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£8.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Armada QXR Space Station

QXR Space Station contains a 3 armed space station with armada shaped base

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£28.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 10-14 days

Armada Asteroid Base 2.0

The Armada Scale Asteroid Base features a command base with removable roof

Supplied with Armada token shaped base

Supplied unpainted and unassembled 

£25.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

New Mobile Repair Dock

Mobile Repair Dock contains 1 repair dock, nacelle and Solaris hub link

Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£20.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

New Solaris IV Repair Dock

Solaris IV Repair Dock contains 1 multi-part space station model with 3 docking bays for repairs

Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£60.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

New Solaris IV Large Repair Dock upgrade

Large Repair Dock Upgrade for use with Solaris IV Space Station 

Solaris Space Station not included, Supplied unassembled and unpainted

£15.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days
Prices, excluding delivery