Hanley's Hope Barrels

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Customer ratings for Hanley's Hope Barrels

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
Great value for money.
from on 15/03/2021
This set of barrels provides some very useful scatter terrain for tabletop miniature skirmish games and I'll be getting a lot of use out of them for Deadzone as well as Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps.

The plaster/resin mix is good and robust and the barrels are simple but nicely detailed, with grated bases that fit the look of the Aliens AGDITC boards perfectly. The very edges of the bases are sometimes curled up just a little, but I consider this a very minor aesthetical problem, it doesn't affect the barrels' stability in any way or how great they look on the tabletop under the 'rule of three feet', which is the distance you'll be away from them when using them in a game. Good value for money and recommended.

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