Customer ratings for QXL Large Space Station
Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 5
Una pieza fantástica!!!!
from Anonymous on 09/12/2020
Absolutamente recomendada está pieza!!! Es enorme y le da mucha más vida a las partidas haciendo que puedas desarrollar escenarios nuevos,genial para partidas épicas e increíblemente detallada, un gran trabajo de combat zone scenery, espero más piezas como estas.
from Anonymous on 06/11/2020
The QX2 Large Space Station is the crown jewel of my space terrain collection. It is giganto, and has outstanding detail from the 3D print, with no flash or pits to fill in, unlike cast resin. My Star Trek: Attack Wing just took on a whole new dimension of awesomeness.
Fantasic, its huge and looks awsome
from Anonymous on 11/10/2020
Just received it, quality is great and pieces fit very well together. Have order the magnets and cannot wait to put it together and paint it. It will make great center piece for any normal battle and inspire some great scenario battle. You can actually hide some of the flatter star-fighters in inside, how cool is that for a surprise attack.
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