Star Base Scenery

Star Base Scenery

Have you ever wanted a change from fighting over the same half a dozen asteroids in the depths of space? Would you like to try an attack on a secret military base or massive killer moon?

The Star Base system is ideal when you want to fly those ground attack missions. Imagine fighting off an attack on your secret base or dodging between gun towers and dropping into a trench system intent on saving the world below you. 

With the Star Base system, you can add a dangerously low-level atmosphere to your campaigns instead of the featureless, cold of space. 



FREE X-Wing Mission:

This fantastic scenario was created by Biff Denzer and used to great acclaim at GENCON. It is a variant of Dagobah Dave’s original Death Star Trench Run where you can recreate one of the most iconic moments in film history, the attack on the Death Star. Our many thanks to Biff who says that anyone familiar with the original will recognize this variant, but there are several changes and additions to make this a unique challenge.

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Planetary Defence Laser

£25.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

Star Base: Gun Towers set

£60.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 5-7 days

Star Base Trench Gaming Mat

£45.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7-10 days

Star Base: Gun Towers Booster set

£25.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Star Base Power Nodes

£8.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Star Base: The Trench

£60.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Star Base: Trench Booster A

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Star Base: Trench Booster B

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Star Base: Trench Booster C

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Star Base: Trench Booster D

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Star Base: Trench Booster E

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7 days

Radar dome inc destroyed top x2

£20.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Starship Anti-Fighter Turrets x2

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Starship Destroyer Turrets x2

£10.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Lunar Gaming Mat

£30.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7-10 days

Epic Arctic Gaming mat

£50.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7-10 days

Arctic Gaming Mat

£30.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 7-10 days

Small Energy Generators

£8.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days

Lynx Turret

£8.00 *
In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 days
Prices, excluding delivery